Quinton's birthday was in 2 parts. The first was on his actual birthday. We went up to the valley. I had my first doctor appointment. I was hoping that Quinton would get to see his baby brother or sister at the appointment. Unfortunately I had what is called a Blighted Ovum which means that the baby stopped developing a few weeks into the pregnancy and died. So my uterus was empty. So that was the low part of the day. But we made up for it with fun. That evening we went to a Diamondbacks vs. Cubs game. That was the funnest game I

have ever been to. There was more going on in the crowd than

on the field. Cubs fans can get rowdy. All the people around us just loved Quinton. He's such a friendly guy that he was talking to everyone. He had a blast. Then next day before we headed home, we took Quinton to the Zoo. It was HOT. At the Phoenix Zoo, there is a water area for the kids to get wet. I took advantage of it too. Quinton had fun. It was almost closing time so we didn't have time to see all the animals so we took the train ride to see what animals we could.
The second part was the weekend after. Quinton wanted a "Fun-Fu Panda" (aka Kung-Fu Panda) birthday party. We went up to the mountains and invited friends and family. Before the party could get started, it started to rain. So we packed up everything and moved the party to my

mom's house.

The house was crowed and some of the presents got wet but it turned out to be a great day for Quinton.

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